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snippet: DEPRECATED VBMP imagery from 2013 in the Virginia Lambert projection. As such, this is NOT, in fact, "most recent" imagery. Please transition your applications to use the MostRecentImagery_MostRecentImagery_WGS service.
summary: DEPRECATED VBMP imagery from 2013 in the Virginia Lambert projection. As such, this is NOT, in fact, "most recent" imagery. Please transition your applications to use the MostRecentImagery_MostRecentImagery_WGS service.
extent: [[-180,-70.3],[180,90]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: DEPRECATED VBMP imagery from 2013 in the Virginia Lambert projection. As such, this is NOT, in fact, "most recent" imagery. Please transition your applications to use the MostRecentImagery_MostRecentImagery_WGS service.
title: MostRecentImagery_Lambert
type: Map Service
tags: ["imagery","VBMP","deprecated","not authoritative"]
culture: en-US
name: MostRecentImagery_Lambert
guid: 53FAC62A-6482-4AB3-B566-F115EF22DD58
spatialReference: Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Virginia